I'm looking for something like ubunt's overlayroot package to install on a pi. https://packages.ubuntu.com/impish/overlayroot description: https://spin.atomicobject.com/2015/03/10/protecting-ubuntu-root-filesystem/ I've found a dozen posts about ro pi fs solutions, they all bother me. mostly they seem more complex than needed, I'm hoping someone here can point me to something simple. My previous questions were about setting up a pxe server and that seems to be sorted: https://github.com/CarlFK/pici/blob/main/setup.md (all the good stuff is in setup2.sh) Now I need to have a rw fs on the pi, but the base fs is a ro nfs mount. (for production I want it ro, I'll flip it to rw when I need to apt upgrade the pi.) I had hope for https://linuxhit.com/raspberry-pi-pxe-boot-netbooting-a-pi-4-without-an-sd-card/ except: todo: Make the root file system read-only and configure the client image to use tmpfs for ephemeral writes. -- Carl K