Particularly useful to avoid "Invalid cross-device link" when using cp -ax, when source and dest are seen as different devices. Such as if there is a top-level subvolume mounted as /, with others mounted elsewhere. Required workaround is to mount with subvolid=0 to /mnt, cp -ax --reflink=always /mnt/...source /mnt/...dest On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 4:47 PM, james harvey <jamespharvey20@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Request for new btrfs subvolume subcommand: > > clone or fork [-i <qgroupid] <source> [<dest>]<name> > Create a subvolume <name> in <dest>, which is a clone or fork of source. > If <dest> is not given, subvolume <name> will be created in the > current directory. > Options > -i <qgroupid> > Add the newly created subvolume to a qgroup. This option can be > given multiple times. > > Would (I think): > * btrfs subvolume create <dest-subvolume> > * cp -ax --reflink=always <source-subvolume>/* <dest-subvolume>/ -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-unionfs" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at