Re: [PATCH v2 1/3] kernel-shark: Provide parsing for quotation marks in Record command line

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On 20.09.19 г. 2:20 ч., Steven Rostedt wrote:
On Wed, 18 Sep 2019 17:23:17 +0300
"Yordan Karadzhov (VMware)" <y.karadz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

+ * Separate the command line arguments inside the string taking into account
+ * possible shell quoting and new lines.
+ */
+QStringList splitArguments(QString cmd)
+	QString::SplitBehavior opt = QString::SkipEmptyParts;
+	int i, progress = 0, size;
+	QStringList argv;
+	QChar quote = 0;
+	/* Remove all new lines. */
+	cmd.replace("\\\n", " ");
+	size = cmd.count();
+	auto lamMid = [&] () {return cmd.mid(progress, i - progress);};
+	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+		if (cmd[i] == '\\') {
+			cmd.remove(i, 1);
+			size --;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (cmd[i] == '\'' || cmd[i] == '"') {
+			if (quote.isNull()) {
+				argv << lamMid().split(" ", opt);
+				quote = cmd[i++];
+				progress = i;
+			} else if (quote == cmd[i]) {
+				argv << lamMid();
+				quote = 0;
+				progress = ++i;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	argv << cmd.right(size - progress).split(" ", opt);
+	return argv;
I still find the above hard to read, but so be it ;-)

Anyway, not quite yet. I just noticed that if I do:

   echo "this \" is \" a \"test"

The output has:

("echo", "this \" is \" a \"test")

Hi Steven,

This is a Qt printing artifact. The printout is trying to show clearly that this list contain only 2 strings. That is why it adds those backslashes. In the code of the example, try adding this:
                if (ok) {
                        argList = KsUtils::splitArguments(text);
                        qInfo() << argList;
+                       for (auto a: argList)
+                               cout << a.toStdString() << endl;


and you will see what I mean.

Thanks a lot for being a tester!!!

We don't want to keep the backslash here. We want to remove it before
passing it as an argument.

The above should be:

("echo", "this " is " a "test")

(thinking that you put in the outside quotes. In other words, if I have:

  echo "hello \"there\""

We should break that up into:
   arg1=hello "there"

-- Steve

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