Re: [PATCH v2 07/23] kernel-shark-qt: Add Trace Graph widget.

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On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 15:53:05 +0000
Yordan Karadzhov <ykaradzhov@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> F
> diff --git a/kernel-shark-qt/src/KsTraceGraph.cpp b/kernel-shark-qt/src/KsTraceGraph.cpp
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..21a09d0
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/kernel-shark-qt/src/KsTraceGraph.cpp
> @@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1
> +
> +/*
> + * Copyright (C) 2017 VMware Inc, Yordan Karadzhov <ykaradzhov@xxxxxxxxxx>
> + */
> +
> +/**
> + *  @file    KsTraceGraph.cpp
> + *  @brief   KernelShark Trace Graph widget.
> + */
> +
> +// KernelShark
> +#include "KsUtils.hpp"
> +#include "KsDualMarker.hpp"
> +#include "KsTraceGraph.hpp"
> +
> +/** Create a default (empty) Trace graph widget. */
> +KsTraceGraph::KsTraceGraph(QWidget *parent)
> +: QWidget(parent),
> +  _pointerBar(this),
> +  _navigationBar(this),
> +  _zoomInButton("+", this),
> +  _quickZoomInButton("++", this),
> +  _zoomOutButton("-", this),
> +  _quickZoomOutButton("- -", this),
> +  _scrollLeftButton("<", this),
> +  _scrollRightButton(">", this),
> +  _labelP1("Pointer: ", this),
> +  _labelP2("", this),
> +  _labelI1("", this),
> +  _labelI2("", this),
> +  _labelI3("", this),
> +  _labelI4("", this),
> +  _labelI5("", this),
> +  _scrollArea(this),
> +  _drawWindow(&_scrollArea),
> +  _legendWindow(&_drawWindow),
> +  _legendAxisX(&_drawWindow),
> +  _labelXMin("", &_legendAxisX),
> +  _labelXMid("", &_legendAxisX),
> +  _labelXMax("", &_legendAxisX),
> +  _glWindow(&_drawWindow),
> +  _mState(nullptr),
> +  _data(nullptr),
> +  _keyPressed(false)
> +{
> +	auto lamMakeNavButton = [&](QPushButton *b) {
> +		b->setMaximumWidth(FONT_WIDTH * 5);
> +
> +		connect(b,	&QPushButton::released,
> +			this,	&KsTraceGraph::_stopUpdating);
> +		_navigationBar.addWidget(b);
> +	};
> +
> +	_pointerBar.setMaximumHeight(FONT_HEIGHT * 1.75);

Why the 1.75?

> +	_pointerBar.setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
> +
> +	_navigationBar.setMaximumHeight(FONT_HEIGHT * 1.75);
> +	_navigationBar.setMinimumWidth(FONT_WIDTH * 90);

Why the 90?

> +	_navigationBar.setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
> +
> +	_pointerBar.addWidget(&_labelP1);
> +	_labelP2.setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken);
> +	_labelP2.setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : white;}");
> +	_labelP2.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt::TextSelectableByMouse);
> +	_labelP2.setFixedWidth(FONT_WIDTH * 16);

Why 16?

> +	_pointerBar.addWidget(&_labelP2);
> +	_pointerBar.addSeparator();
> +
> +	_labelI1.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : blue;}");
> +	_labelI2.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : green;}");
> +	_labelI3.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : red;}");
> +	_labelI4.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : blue;}");
> +	_labelI5.setStyleSheet("QLabel {color : green;}");
> +
> +	_pointerBar.addWidget(&_labelI1);
> +	_pointerBar.addSeparator();
> +	_pointerBar.addWidget(&_labelI2);
> +	_pointerBar.addSeparator();
> +	_pointerBar.addWidget(&_labelI3);
> +	_pointerBar.addSeparator();
> +	_pointerBar.addWidget(&_labelI4);
> +	_pointerBar.addSeparator();
> +	_pointerBar.addWidget(&_labelI5);
> +
> +	_legendAxisX.setFixedHeight(FONT_HEIGHT * 1.5);


> +	_legendAxisX.setLayout(new QHBoxLayout);
> +	_legendAxisX.layout()->setSpacing(0);
> +	_legendAxisX.layout()->setContentsMargins(0, 0, FONT_WIDTH, 0);
> +
> +	_labelXMin.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
> +	_labelXMid.setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
> +	_labelXMax.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
> +
> +	_legendAxisX.layout()->addWidget(&_labelXMin);
> +	_legendAxisX.layout()->addWidget(&_labelXMid);
> +	_legendAxisX.layout()->addWidget(&_labelXMax);
> +	_drawWindow.setMinimumSize(100, 100);

The 100s should probably be MACROS

> +	_drawWindow.setStyleSheet("QWidget {background-color : white;}");
> +
> +	_drawLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
> +	_drawLayout.setSpacing(0);
> +	_drawLayout.addWidget(&_legendAxisX, 0, 1);
> +	_drawLayout.addWidget(&_legendWindow, 1, 0);
> +	_drawLayout.addWidget(&_glWindow, 1, 1);
> +	_drawWindow.setLayout(&_drawLayout);
> +
> +	_drawWindow.installEventFilter(this);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::select,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::markEntry);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::found,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::_setPointerInfo);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::notFound,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::_resetPointer);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::zoomIn,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::_zoomIn);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::zoomOut,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::_zoomOut);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::scrollLeft,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::_scrollLeft);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::scrollRight,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::_scrollRight);
> +
> +	connect(&_glWindow,	&KsGLWidget::stopUpdating,
> +		this,		&KsTraceGraph::_stopUpdating);
> +
> +	connect(_glWindow.model(),	&KsGraphModel::modelReset,
> +		this,			&KsTraceGraph::_updateTimeLegends);
> +
> +	_scrollArea.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
> +	_scrollArea.setWidget(&_drawWindow);
> +
> +	lamMakeNavButton(&_scrollLeftButton);
> +	connect(&_scrollLeftButton,	&QPushButton::pressed,
> +		this,			&KsTraceGraph::_scrollLeft);
> +
> +	lamMakeNavButton(&_zoomInButton);
> +	connect(&_zoomInButton,		&QPushButton::pressed,
> +		this,			&KsTraceGraph::_zoomIn);
> +
> +	lamMakeNavButton(&_zoomOutButton);
> +	connect(&_zoomOutButton,	&QPushButton::pressed,
> +		this,			&KsTraceGraph::_zoomOut);
> +
> +	lamMakeNavButton(&_scrollRightButton);
> +	connect(&_scrollRightButton,	&QPushButton::pressed,
> +		this,			&KsTraceGraph::_scrollRight);
> +
> +	_navigationBar.addSeparator();
> +
> +	lamMakeNavButton(&_quickZoomInButton);
> +	connect(&_quickZoomInButton,	&QPushButton::pressed,
> +		this,			&KsTraceGraph::_quickZoomIn);
> +
> +	lamMakeNavButton(&_quickZoomOutButton);
> +	connect(&_quickZoomOutButton,	&QPushButton::pressed,
> +		this,			&KsTraceGraph::_quickZoomOut);
> +
> +	_layout.addWidget(&_pointerBar);
> +	_layout.addWidget(&_navigationBar);
> +	_layout.addWidget(&_scrollArea);
> +	this->setLayout(&_layout);
> +	updateGeom();
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * @brief Load and show trace data.
> + *
> + * @param data: Input location for the KsDataStore object.
> + *	  KsDataStore::loadDataFile() must be called first.
> + */
> +void KsTraceGraph::loadData(KsDataStore *data)
> +{
> +	_data = data;
> +	_glWindow.loadData(data);
> +	_updateGraphLegends();
> +	updateGeom();
> +}
> +
> +/** Connect the KsGLWidget widget and the State machine of the Dual marker. */
> +void KsTraceGraph::setMarkerSM(KsDualMarkerSM *m)
> +{
> +	_mState = m;
> +	_navigationBar.addSeparator();
> +	_mState->placeInToolBar(&_navigationBar);
> +	_glWindow.setMarkerSM(m);
> +}
> +
> +/** Reset (empty) the widget. */
> +void KsTraceGraph::reset()
> +{
> +	/* Clear the all graph lists and update. */
> +	_glWindow._cpuList = {};
> +	_glWindow._taskList = {};
> +
> +	_labelP2.setText("");
> +	for (auto l1: {&_labelI1, &_labelI2, &_labelI3, &_labelI4, &_labelI5})
> +		l1->setText("");
> +
> +	_glWindow.model()->reset();
> +	_selfUpdate();
> +	for (auto l2: {&_labelXMin, &_labelXMid, &_labelXMax})
> +		l2->setText("");
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_selfUpdate()
> +{
> +	_updateGraphLegends();
> +	_updateTimeLegends();
> +	_markerReDraw();
> +	updateGeom();
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_zoomIn()
> +{
> +	_updateGraphs(GraphActions::ZoomIn);
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_zoomOut()
> +{
> +	_updateGraphs(GraphActions::ZoomOut);
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_quickZoomIn()
> +{
> +	/* Bin size will be 100 ns. */
> +	_glWindow.model()->quickZoomIn(100);
> +	if (_mState->activeMarker()._isSet &&
> +	    _mState->activeMarker().isVisible()) {
> +		/*
> +		 * Use the position of the active marker as
> +		 * a focus point of the zoom.
> +		 */
> +		uint64_t ts = _mState->activeMarker()._ts;
> +		_glWindow.model()->jumpTo(ts);
> +	}
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_quickZoomOut()
> +{
> +	_glWindow.model()->quickZoomOut();
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_scrollLeft()
> +{
> +	_updateGraphs(GraphActions::ScrollLeft);
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_scrollRight()
> +{
> +	_updateGraphs(GraphActions::ScrollRight);
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_stopUpdating()
> +{
> +	/*
> +	 * The user is no longer pressing the action button. Reset the
> +	 * "Key Pressed" flag. This will stop the ongoing user action.
> +	 */
> +	_keyPressed = false;
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_resetPointer(uint64_t ts, int cpu, int pid)
> +{
> +	uint64_t sec, usec;
> +	QString pointer;
> +
> +	kshark_convert_nano(ts, &sec, &usec);
> +	pointer.sprintf("%lu.%lu", sec, usec);
> +	_labelP2.setText(pointer);
> +
> +	if (pid > 0 && cpu >= 0) {
> +		struct kshark_context *kshark_ctx(NULL);
> +
> +		if (!kshark_instance(&kshark_ctx))
> +			return;
> +
> +		QString comm(tep_data_comm_from_pid(kshark_ctx->pevent, pid));
> +		comm.append("-");
> +		comm.append(QString("%1").arg(pid));
> +		_labelI1.setText(comm);
> +		_labelI2.setText(QString("CPU %1").arg(cpu));
> +	} else {
> +		_labelI1.setText("");
> +		_labelI2.setText("");
> +	}
> +
> +	for (auto const &l: {&_labelI3, &_labelI4, &_labelI5}) {
> +		l->setText("");
> +	}
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_setPointerInfo(size_t i)
> +{
> +	kshark_entry *e = _data->rows()[i];
> +	QString event(kshark_get_event_name_easy(e));
> +	QString lat(kshark_get_latency_easy(e));
> +	QString info(kshark_get_info_easy(e));
> +	QString comm(kshark_get_task_easy(e));
> +	QString pointer, elidedText;
> +	int labelWidth, width;
> +	uint64_t sec, usec;
> +
> +	kshark_convert_nano(e->ts, &sec, &usec);
> +	pointer.sprintf("%lu.%lu", sec, usec);
> +	_labelP2.setText(pointer);
> +
> +	comm.append("-");
> +	comm.append(QString("%1").arg(kshark_get_pid_easy(e)));
> +
> +	_labelI1.setText(comm);
> +	_labelI2.setText(QString("CPU %1").arg(e->cpu));
> +	_labelI3.setText(lat);
> +	_labelI4.setText(event);
> +	_labelI5.setText(info);
> +	QCoreApplication::processEvents();
> +
> +	labelWidth =
> +		_pointerBar.geometry().right() - _labelI4.geometry().right();
> +	if (labelWidth > STRING_WIDTH(info) + FONT_WIDTH * 5)

Why 5?

> +		return;
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * The Info string is too long and cannot be displayed on the toolbar.
> +	 * Try to fit the text in the available space.
> +	 */
> +	QFontMetrics metrix(_labelI5.font());
> +	width = labelWidth - FONT_WIDTH * 3;

Why 3?

> +	elidedText = metrix.elidedText(info, Qt::ElideRight, width);
> +
> +	while(labelWidth < STRING_WIDTH(elidedText) + FONT_WIDTH * 5) {
> +		width -= FONT_WIDTH * 3;

Why 5 and 3?

> +		elidedText = metrix.elidedText(info, Qt::ElideRight, width);
> +	}
> +
> +	_labelI5.setText(elidedText);
> +	_labelI5.setVisible(true);
> +	QCoreApplication::processEvents();
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * @brief Use the active marker to select particular entry.
> + *
> + * @param row: The index of the entry to be selected by the marker.
> + */
> +void KsTraceGraph::markEntry(size_t row)
> +{
> +	int graph, cpuGrId, taskGrId;
> +
> +	_glWindow.findGraphIds(*_data->rows()[row], &cpuGrId, &taskGrId);
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * If a Task graph has been found, this Task graph will be
> +	 * visible. If no Task graph has been found, make visible
> +	 * the corresponding CPU graph.
> +	 */
> +	if (taskGrId >= 0)
> +		graph = taskGrId;
> +	else
> +		graph = cpuGrId;
> +
> +	_scrollArea.ensureVisible(0,
> +				  _legendAxisX.height() +
> +				  _glWindow.vMargin() +
> +				  KS_GRAPH_HEIGHT / 2 +
> +				  graph*(KS_GRAPH_HEIGHT + _glWindow.vSpacing()),
> +				  50,

Why 50?

> +				  KS_GRAPH_HEIGHT / 2 + _glWindow.vSpacing() / 2);
> +
> +	_glWindow.model()->jumpTo(_data->rows()[row]->ts);
> +	_mState->activeMarker().set(*_data,
> +				    _glWindow.model()->histo(),
> +				    row, cpuGrId, taskGrId);
> +
> +	_mState->updateMarkers(*_data, &_glWindow);
> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_markerReDraw()
> +{
> +	int cpuGrId, taskGrId;
> +	size_t row;
> +
> +	if (_mState->markerA()._isSet) {
> +		row = _mState->markerA()._pos;
> +		_glWindow.findGraphIds(*_data->rows()[row], &cpuGrId, &taskGrId);
> +		_mState->markerA().set(*_data,
> +				       _glWindow.model()->histo(),
> +				       row, cpuGrId, taskGrId);
> +	}
> +
> +	if (_mState->markerB()._isSet) {
> +		row = _mState->markerB()._pos;
> +		_glWindow.findGraphIds(*_data->rows()[row], &cpuGrId, &taskGrId);
> +		_mState->markerB().set(*_data,
> +				       _glWindow.model()->histo(),
> +				       row, cpuGrId, taskGrId);
> +	}
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * @brief Redreaw all CPU graphs.
> + *
> + * @param v: CPU ids to be plotted.
> + */
> +void KsTraceGraph::cpuReDraw(QVector<int> v)
> +{
> +	_glWindow._cpuList = v;
> +	_selfUpdate();
> +}
> +
> +/**
> + * @brief Redreaw all Task graphs.
> + *
> + * @param v: Process ids of the tasks to be plotted.
> + */
> +void KsTraceGraph::taskReDraw(QVector<int> v)
> +{
> +	_glWindow._taskList = v;
> +	_selfUpdate();
> +}
> +
> +/** Add (and plot) a CPU graph to the existing list of CPU graphs. */
> +void KsTraceGraph::addCPUPlot(int cpu)
> +{
> +	if (_glWindow._cpuList.contains(cpu))
> +		return;
> +
> +	_glWindow._cpuList.append(cpu);
> +	_selfUpdate();
> +}
> +
> +/** Add (and plot) a Task graph to the existing list of Task graphs. */
> +void KsTraceGraph::addTaskPlot(int pid)
> +{
> +	if (_glWindow._taskList.contains(pid))
> +		return;
> +
> +	_glWindow._taskList.append(pid);
> +	_selfUpdate();
> +}
> +
> +/** Update the content of all graphs. */
> +void KsTraceGraph::update(KsDataStore *data)
> +{
> +	_glWindow.model()->update(data);
> +	_selfUpdate();
> +}
> +
> +/** Update the geometry of the widget. */
> +void KsTraceGraph::updateGeom()
> +{
> +	int saWidth, saHeight, dwWidth, hMin;
> +
> +	/* Set the size of the Scroll Area. */
> +	saWidth = width() - _layout.contentsMargins().left() -
> +			    _layout.contentsMargins().right();
> +
> +	saHeight = height() - _pointerBar.height() -
> +			      _navigationBar.height() -
> +			      _layout.spacing() * 2 -
> +			      _layout.contentsMargins().top() -
> +			      _layout.contentsMargins().bottom();
> +
> +	_scrollArea.resize(saWidth, saHeight);
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * Calculate the width of the Draw Window, taking into account the size
> +	 * of the scroll bar.
> +	 */
> +	dwWidth = _scrollArea.width();
> +	if (_glWindow.height() + _legendAxisX.height() > _scrollArea.height())
> +		dwWidth -=
> +			qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent);
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * Set the height of the Draw window according to the number of
> +	 * plotted graphs.
> +	 */
> +	_drawWindow.resize(dwWidth,
> +			   _glWindow.height() + _legendAxisX.height());
> +
> +	/* Set the minimum height of the Graph widget. */
> +	hMin = _drawWindow.height() +
> +	       _pointerBar.height() +
> +	       _navigationBar.height() +
> +	       _layout.contentsMargins().top() +
> +	       _layout.contentsMargins().bottom();
> +
> +	if (hMin > KS_GRAPH_HEIGHT * 8)
> +		hMin = KS_GRAPH_HEIGHT * 8;

Why 8?

(You are probably noticing a theme here ;-)

> +
> +	setMinimumHeight(hMin);
> +
> +	/*
> +	 * Now use the height of the Draw Window to fix the maximum height
> +	 * of the Graph widget.
> +	 */
> +	setMaximumHeight(_drawWindow.height() +
> +			 _pointerBar.height() +
> +			 _navigationBar.height() +
> +			 _layout.spacing() * 2 +
> +			 _layout.contentsMargins().top() +
> +			 _layout.contentsMargins().bottom() +
> +			 2);  /* Just a little bit of extra space. This will
> +			       * allow the scroll bar to disappear when the
> +			       * widget is extended to maximum.
> +			       */

Ug, finish the 2); on the previous line, and keep the comment on its
own line.

-- Steve

> +}
> +
> +void KsTraceGraph::_updateGraphLegends()
> +{
> +	QString graphLegends, graphName;
> +	QVBoxLayout *layout;
> +	int width = 0;
> +
> +	if (_legendWindow.layout()) {
> +		/*
> +		 * Remove and delete the existing layout of the legend window.
> +		 */
> +		QLayoutItem *child;
> +		while ((child = _legendWindow.layout()->takeAt(0)) != 0) {
> +			delete child->widget();
> +			delete child;
> +		}
> +
> +		delete _legendWindow.layout();
> +	}
> +
> +	layout = new QVBoxLayout;
> +	layout->setContentsMargins(FONT_WIDTH, 0, 0, 0);
> +	layout->setSpacing(_glWindow.vSpacing());
> +	layout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop);
> +	layout->addSpacing(_glWindow.vMargin());
> +
> +	auto lamMakeName = [&]() {
> +		QLabel *name = new QLabel(graphName);
> +
> +		if (width < STRING_WIDTH(graphName))
> +			width = STRING_WIDTH(graphName);
> +
> +		name->setAlignment(Qt::AlignBottom);
> +		name->setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color : white;}");
> +		name->setFixedHeight(KS_GRAPH_HEIGHT);
> +		layout->addWidget(name);
> +	};
> +
> +	for (auto const &cpu: _glWindow._cpuList) {
> +		graphName = QString("CPU %1").arg(cpu);
> +		lamMakeName();
> +	}
> +
> +	for (auto const &pid: _glWindow._taskList) {
> +		graphName = QString(tep_data_comm_from_pid(_data->tep(),
> +							   pid));
> +		graphName.append(QString("-%1").arg(pid));
> +		lamMakeName();
> +	}
> +
> +	_legendWindow.setLayout(layout);
> +	_legendWindow.setMaximumWidth(width + FONT_WIDTH);
> +}

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