Re: [PATCH v3 2/3] kernel-shark-qt: Add I/O for configuration data.

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Hi Steven,

On 16.08.2018 21:52, Steven Rostedt wrote:
+ * @brief Check the type of a Configuration document and compare with an
+ *	  expected value.
+ *
+ * @param conf: Input location for the kshark_config_doc instance.
+ * @param type: Input location for the expected value of the Configuration
+ *		document type, e.g. "kshark.record.config" or
+ *		"kshark.filter.config".
Oh, I forgot to ask...

Do you expect to have different "kshark.record" and kshark.filter"
options other than ".config"? If not, shouldn't it be:

	"kshark.config.record" and "kshark.config.filter" ?

That way we can do searches for all the configs in a json file by
searching for "kshark.config".

My logic was that in the future we may have KernelShark doing some 
automated analyses over the trace data. In this case the result can be 
outputted to a Json file and have a type "kshark.*.output". So I 
intuitively added the ".config" at the end, like a file extension.
However your logic makes sense and I am OK with switching the order.

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