Re: [RFC PATCH 0/8] staging: apfs: init APFS module

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On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 05:57:46PM -0400, Ethan Carter Edwards wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> This is a follow up patchset to the driver I sent an email about a few
> weeks ago [0]. I understand this patchset will probably get rejected, 
> but I wanted to report on what I have done thus far. I have got the 
> upstream module imported and building, and it passes some basic tests 
> so far (I have not tried getting XFS/FStests running yet). 
> Like mentioned earlier, some of the files have been moved to folios, but
> a large majority of them still use bufferheads. I would like to have
> them completely removed before moved from staging/ into fs/.
> I have split everything up into separate commits as best as I could.
> Most of the C files rely in functions from other C files, so I included
> them all in one patch/commit.
> I am curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this and to start getting
> the ball rolling for the code-review process. Please feel free to
> include/CC anyone who may be interested in this driver/the review
> process. I have included a few people, but have certainly missed others.
> [0]:
> Signed-off-by: Ethan Carter Edwards <ethan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I don't mind adding this to staging from this series, thanks for
breaking it up!

But I'll wait for an ACK from the filesystem developers before doing it
as having filesystem code in drivers/staging/ feels odd, and they kind
of need to know what's going on here for when they change api stuff.


greg k-h

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