Re: [RFC PATCH 18/24] dt-bindings: media: i2c: max96712: add support for I2C MUX

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On Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:33:47 +0200, Cosmin Tanislav wrote:
> MAX96712 and MAX96724 have more than one GMSL2 link, and each link is
> capable of connecting to a separate serializer. If these serializers
> have the same CFG pins configuration, they will also have the same I2C
> address, causing conflicts unless the deserializer muxes the I2C
> channels. Moreover, the serializers can have the same hardware attached
> to their respective I2C bus.
> The MAX96712 and MAX96724 suppot I2C channel muxing via the GMSL2 link
> to facilitate communication to each of the connected serializers.
> Document this capability.
> Signed-off-by: Cosmin Tanislav <demonsingur@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  .../devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml | 11 +++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)

My bot found errors running 'make dt_binding_check' on your patch:

yamllint warnings/errors:

dtschema/dtc warnings/errors:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: properties:i2c-mux:patternProperties:^i2c@[0-3]$:properties:reg:items: 'oneOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
	/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: properties:i2c-mux:patternProperties:^i2c@[0-3]$:properties:reg:items: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
		'min' is not one of ['$ref', 'additionalItems', 'additionalProperties', 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'const', 'contains', 'default', 'dependencies', 'dependentRequired', 'dependentSchemas', 'deprecated', 'description', 'else', 'enum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'items', 'if', 'minItems', 'minimum', 'maxItems', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'not', 'oneOf', 'pattern', 'patternProperties', 'properties', 'required', 'then', 'typeSize', 'unevaluatedProperties', 'uniqueItems']
		'type' was expected
		from schema $id:
	/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: properties:i2c-mux:patternProperties:^i2c@[0-3]$:properties:reg:items: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
		'max' is not one of ['$ref', 'additionalItems', 'additionalProperties', 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'const', 'contains', 'default', 'dependencies', 'dependentRequired', 'dependentSchemas', 'deprecated', 'description', 'else', 'enum', 'exclusiveMaximum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'items', 'if', 'minItems', 'minimum', 'maxItems', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'not', 'oneOf', 'pattern', 'patternProperties', 'properties', 'required', 'then', 'typeSize', 'unevaluatedProperties', 'uniqueItems']
		'type' was expected
		from schema $id:
	{'min': 0, 'max': 3} is not of type 'array'
	from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: properties:i2c-mux:patternProperties:^i2c@[0-3]$:properties:reg: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
	'maxItems' is a required property
		hint: Only "maxItems" is required for a single entry if there are no constraints defined for the values.
	'items' is not one of ['maxItems', 'description', 'deprecated']
		hint: Only "maxItems" is required for a single entry if there are no constraints defined for the values.
	'items' is not one of ['description', 'deprecated', 'const', 'enum', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'default', '$ref', 'oneOf']
	/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: properties:i2c-mux:patternProperties:^i2c@[0-3]$:properties:reg:items: 'oneOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
		/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: properties:i2c-mux:patternProperties:^i2c@[0-3]$:properties:reg:items: 'anyOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
			'maxItems' is a required property
				hint: Only "maxItems" is required for a single entry if there are no constraints defined for the values.
			'min' is not one of ['maxItems', 'description', 'deprecated']
				hint: Only "maxItems" is required for a single entry if there are no constraints defined for the values.
			'max' is not one of ['maxItems', 'description', 'deprecated']
				hint: Only "maxItems" is required for a single entry if there are no constraints defined for the values.
			Additional properties are not allowed ('max', 'min' were unexpected)
				hint: Arrays must be described with a combination of minItems/maxItems/items
			'min' is not one of ['description', 'deprecated', 'const', 'enum', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'default', '$ref', 'oneOf']
				hint: "items" can be a list defining each entry or a schema applying to all items. A list has an implicit size. A schema requires minItems/maxItems to define the size.
			'max' is not one of ['description', 'deprecated', 'const', 'enum', 'minimum', 'maximum', 'multipleOf', 'default', '$ref', 'oneOf']
				hint: "items" can be a list defining each entry or a schema applying to all items. A list has an implicit size. A schema requires minItems/maxItems to define the size.
			hint: cell array properties must define how many entries and what the entries are when there is more than one entry.
			from schema $id:
		{'min': 0, 'max': 3} is not of type 'array'
		hint: "items" can be a list defining each entry or a schema applying to all items. A list has an implicit size. A schema requires minItems/maxItems to define the size.
		from schema $id:
	hint: cell array properties must define how many entries and what the entries are when there is more than one entry.
	from schema $id:
/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: i2c-mux: Missing additionalProperties/unevaluatedProperties constraint

/builds/robherring/dt-review-ci/linux/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/media/i2c/maxim,max96712.yaml: ^i2c@[0-3]$: Missing additionalProperties/unevaluatedProperties constraint

doc reference errors (make refcheckdocs):


The base for the series is generally the latest rc1. A different dependency
should be noted in *this* patch.

If you already ran 'make dt_binding_check' and didn't see the above
error(s), then make sure 'yamllint' is installed and dt-schema is up to

pip3 install dtschema --upgrade

Please check and re-submit after running the above command yourself. Note
that DT_SCHEMA_FILES can be set to your schema file to speed up checking
your schema. However, it must be unset to test all examples with your schema.

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