[PATCH 18/47] staging: r8188eu: remove rtw_set_802_11_add_key()

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Function rtw_set_802_11_add_key() is not used, remove it.

Signed-off-by: Michael Straube <straube.linux@xxxxxxxxx>
 drivers/staging/r8188eu/core/rtw_ioctl_set.c  | 230 ------------------
 .../staging/r8188eu/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h   |   1 -
 2 files changed, 231 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/core/rtw_ioctl_set.c b/drivers/staging/r8188eu/core/rtw_ioctl_set.c
index a0702bfaa549..afa72b21fc0b 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/core/rtw_ioctl_set.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/r8188eu/core/rtw_ioctl_set.c
@@ -492,236 +492,6 @@ u8 rtw_set_802_11_remove_wep(struct adapter *padapter, u32 keyindex)
 	return ret;
-u8 rtw_set_802_11_add_key(struct adapter *padapter, struct ndis_802_11_key *key)
-	uint	encryptionalgo;
-	u8 *pbssid;
-	struct sta_info *stainfo;
-	u8	bgroup = false;
-	u8	bgrouptkey = false;/* can be removed later */
-	u8	ret = _SUCCESS;
-	if (((key->KeyIndex & 0x80000000) == 0) && ((key->KeyIndex & 0x40000000) > 0)) {
-		/*  It is invalid to clear bit 31 and set bit 30. If the miniport driver encounters this combination, */
-		/*  it must fail the request and return NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA. */
-		ret = _FAIL;
-		goto exit;
-	}
-	if (key->KeyIndex & 0x40000000) {
-		/*  Pairwise key */
-		pbssid = get_bssid(&padapter->mlmepriv);
-		stainfo = rtw_get_stainfo(&padapter->stapriv, pbssid);
-		if (stainfo && padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm == dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X)
-			encryptionalgo = stainfo->dot118021XPrivacy;
-		else
-			encryptionalgo = padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm;
-		if (key->KeyIndex & 0x000000FF) {
-			/*  The key index is specified in the lower 8 bits by values of zero to 255. */
-			/*  The key index should be set to zero for a Pairwise key, and the driver should fail with */
-			/*  NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA if the lower 8 bits is not zero */
-			ret = _FAIL;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		/*  check BSSID */
-		if (is_broadcast_ether_addr(key->BSSID)) {
-			ret = false;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		/*  Check key length for TKIP. */
-		if ((encryptionalgo == _TKIP_) && (key->KeyLength != 32)) {
-			ret = _FAIL;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		/*  Check key length for AES. */
-		if ((encryptionalgo == _AES_) && (key->KeyLength != 16)) {
-			/*  For our supplicant, EAPPkt9x.vxd, cannot differentiate TKIP and AES case. */
-			if (key->KeyLength == 32) {
-				key->KeyLength = 16;
-			} else {
-				ret = _FAIL;
-				goto exit;
-			}
-		}
-		/*  Check key length for WEP. For NDTEST, 2005.01.27, by rcnjko. */
-		if ((encryptionalgo == _WEP40_ || encryptionalgo == _WEP104_) &&
-		    (key->KeyLength != 5 && key->KeyLength != 13)) {
-			ret = _FAIL;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		bgroup = false;
-	} else {
-		/*  Group key - KeyIndex(BIT(30) == 0) */
-		/*  when add wep key through add key and didn't assigned encryption type before */
-		if ((padapter->securitypriv.ndisauthtype <= 3) &&
-		    (padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy == 0)) {
-			switch (key->KeyLength) {
-			case 5:
-				padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP40_;
-				break;
-			case 13:
-				padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _WEP104_;
-				break;
-			default:
-				padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm = _NO_PRIVACY_;
-				break;
-			}
-			encryptionalgo = padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyAlgrthm;
-		} else {
-			encryptionalgo = padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpPrivacy;
-		}
-		if (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE) && !is_broadcast_ether_addr(key->BSSID)) {
-			ret = _FAIL;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		/*  Check key length for TKIP */
-		if ((encryptionalgo == _TKIP_) && (key->KeyLength != 32)) {
-			ret = _FAIL;
-			goto exit;
-		} else if (encryptionalgo == _AES_ && (key->KeyLength != 16 && key->KeyLength != 32)) {
-			/*  Check key length for AES */
-			/*  For NDTEST, we allow keylen = 32 in this case. 2005.01.27, by rcnjko. */
-			ret = _FAIL;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		/*  Change the key length for EAPPkt9x.vxd. Added by Annie, 2005-11-03. */
-		if ((encryptionalgo ==  _AES_) && (key->KeyLength == 32))
-			key->KeyLength = 16;
-		if (key->KeyIndex & 0x8000000) {/* error ??? 0x8000_0000 */
-			bgrouptkey = true;
-		}
-		if ((check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, WIFI_ADHOC_STATE)) &&
-		    (check_fwstate(&padapter->mlmepriv, _FW_LINKED)))
-			bgrouptkey = true;
-		bgroup = true;
-	}
-	/*  If WEP encryption algorithm, just call rtw_set_802_11_add_wep(). */
-	if ((padapter->securitypriv.dot11AuthAlgrthm != dot11AuthAlgrthm_8021X) &&
-	    (encryptionalgo == _WEP40_ || encryptionalgo == _WEP104_)) {
-		u32 keyindex;
-		u32 len = FIELD_OFFSET(struct ndis_802_11_key, KeyMaterial) + key->KeyLength;
-		struct ndis_802_11_wep *wep = &padapter->securitypriv.ndiswep;
-		wep->Length = len;
-		keyindex = key->KeyIndex & 0x7fffffff;
-		wep->KeyIndex = keyindex;
-		wep->KeyLength = key->KeyLength;
-		memcpy(wep->KeyMaterial, key->KeyMaterial, key->KeyLength);
-		memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot11DefKey[keyindex].skey[0], key->KeyMaterial, key->KeyLength);
-		padapter->securitypriv.dot11DefKeylen[keyindex] = key->KeyLength;
-		padapter->securitypriv.dot11PrivacyKeyIndex = keyindex;
-		ret = rtw_set_802_11_add_wep(padapter, wep);
-		goto exit;
-	}
-	if (key->KeyIndex & 0x20000000) {
-		/*  SetRSC */
-		if (bgroup) {
-			unsigned long long keysrc = key->KeyRSC & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
-			memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot11Grprxpn, &keysrc, 8);
-		} else {
-			unsigned long long keysrc = key->KeyRSC & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFULL;
-			memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot11Grptxpn, &keysrc, 8);
-		}
-	}
-	/*  Indicate this key idx is used for TX */
-	/*  Save the key in KeyMaterial */
-	if (bgroup) { /*  Group transmit key */
-		int res;
-		if (bgrouptkey)
-			padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpKeyid = (u8)key->KeyIndex;
-		if ((key->KeyIndex & 0x3) == 0) {
-			ret = _FAIL;
-			goto exit;
-		}
-		memset(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpKey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], 0, 16);
-		memset(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrptxmickey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], 0, 16);
-		memset(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrprxmickey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], 0, 16);
-		if ((key->KeyIndex & 0x10000000)) {
-			memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrptxmickey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], key->KeyMaterial + 16, 8);
-			memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrprxmickey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], key->KeyMaterial + 24, 8);
-		} else {
-			memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrptxmickey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], key->KeyMaterial + 24, 8);
-			memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrprxmickey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], key->KeyMaterial + 16, 8);
-		}
-		/* set group key by index */
-		memcpy(&padapter->securitypriv.dot118021XGrpKey[(u8)((key->KeyIndex) & 0x03)], key->KeyMaterial, key->KeyLength);
-		key->KeyIndex = key->KeyIndex & 0x03;
-		padapter->securitypriv.binstallGrpkey = true;
-		padapter->securitypriv.bcheck_grpkey = false;
-		res = rtw_set_key(padapter, &padapter->securitypriv, key->KeyIndex, 1);
-		if (res == _FAIL)
-			ret = _FAIL;
-		goto exit;
-	} else { /*  Pairwise Key */
-		u8 res;
-		pbssid = get_bssid(&padapter->mlmepriv);
-		stainfo = rtw_get_stainfo(&padapter->stapriv, pbssid);
-		if (stainfo) {
-			memset(&stainfo->dot118021x_UncstKey, 0, 16);/*  clear keybuffer */
-			memcpy(&stainfo->dot118021x_UncstKey, key->KeyMaterial, 16);
-			if (encryptionalgo == _TKIP_) {
-				padapter->securitypriv.busetkipkey = false;
-				/* _set_timer(&padapter->securitypriv.tkip_timer, 50); */
-				/*  if TKIP, save the Receive/Transmit MIC key in KeyMaterial[128-255] */
-				if ((key->KeyIndex & 0x10000000)) {
-					memcpy(&stainfo->dot11tkiptxmickey, key->KeyMaterial + 16, 8);
-					memcpy(&stainfo->dot11tkiprxmickey, key->KeyMaterial + 24, 8);
-				} else {
-					memcpy(&stainfo->dot11tkiptxmickey, key->KeyMaterial + 24, 8);
-					memcpy(&stainfo->dot11tkiprxmickey, key->KeyMaterial + 16, 8);
-				}
-			}
-			/* Set key to CAM through H2C command */
-			if (bgrouptkey) /* never go to here */
-				res = rtw_setstakey_cmd(padapter, (unsigned char *)stainfo, false);
-			else
-				res = rtw_setstakey_cmd(padapter, (unsigned char *)stainfo, true);
-			if (!res)
-				ret = _FAIL;
-		}
-	}
-	return ret;
 u8 rtw_set_802_11_remove_key(struct adapter *padapter, struct ndis_802_11_remove_key *key)
 	u8 *pbssid;
diff --git a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h b/drivers/staging/r8188eu/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h
index 6216b8ab3a79..3f4b4873eb98 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/r8188eu/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/r8188eu/include/rtw_ioctl_set.h
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 typedef u8 NDIS_802_11_PMKID_VALUE[16];
-u8 rtw_set_802_11_add_key(struct adapter *adapt, struct ndis_802_11_key *key);
 u8 rtw_set_802_11_authentication_mode(struct adapter *adapt,
 				      enum ndis_802_11_auth_mode authmode);
 u8 rtw_set_802_11_bssid(struct adapter*adapter, u8 *bssid);

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