Re: [PATCH] spi: microchip-core: prevent RX overflows when transmit size > FIFO size

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On Tue, Jan 14, 2025 at 05:13:49PM +0000, Conor Dooley wrote:

> When the size of a transfer exceeds the size of the FIFO (32 bytes), RX
> overflows will be generated and receive data will be corrupted and
> warnings will be produced. For example, here's an error generated by a
> transfer of 36 bytes:

>   spi_master spi0: mchp_corespi_interrupt: RX OVERFLOW: rxlen: 4, txlen: 0

> I am not entirely sure how this happens, as rxlen being 4 means that 32
> of 36 bytes have been read from the RX FIFO so there should be
> sufficient room for 4 more bytes but timing is likely a factor as simply
> adding a delay in the transmit path is enough to avoid the overflows.

The reads from the FIFO happen prior to the check for overflow in the
interrupt handler so if we overflow then take the interrupt we will read
the full 32 byte FIFO before it sees that there was an overflow.

> @@ -221,6 +221,13 @@ static inline void mchp_corespi_write_fifo(struct mchp_corespi *spi)
>  	while ((i < fifo_max) && !(mchp_corespi_read(spi, REG_STATUS) & STATUS_TXFIFO_FULL)) {
>  		u32 word;
> +		/*
> +		 * If the transfer is larger than FIFO_DEPTH, spin until space
> +		 * is made in the RX FIFO to avoid losing data to RX overflows
> +		 */
> +		while (mchp_corespi_read(spi, REG_STATUS) & STATUS_RXFIFO_FULL)
> +			;
> +

So, this is the transmit side but we're polling the RX FIFO and not
doing anything to clear it?  I see that the FIFO reads are driven from
interrupt context.  If I had to guess I'd say that there's latency in
the interrupt being delivered (possibly to a different CPU) and when the
transfer is being driven by the TX side it's stuffing data into the TX
FIFO faster than interrupts are being delivered (the TX side just seems
to busy wait on there being space in the FIFO which can't be good for
slower speeds...) so the TX and RX sides of the transfer get out of sync.

Given that AFAICT the controller has to RX all the time I suspect you
want to move the RX processing out of interrupt context into the main
_transfer_one() function and busy wait for that too, or push the TX side
into the interrupt handler (which at first glance looks simpler).
Either way the two directions will be driven from the same place and so
not get out of sync.

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