I am using slint 15.0rc4 with espeak-ng and the above mentioned version of the tintin-alteraeon sound pack. In the last two weeks while playing in the mud, I had speakup crash on me twice. The first time I rebooted so didn't learn as much as I did the 2nd time. The next time I lost speakup so managed to get back to my recall and tintin-alteraeon sounds still played but speakup did not. I quit out of tintin-alteraeon and even after having done that, I could not get speakup to work. The only way speakup came back and started talking again was after a reboot. I did not expect this behavior so didn't run: tt++ -G -s -r aa.tin 2>&1|tee aa.err Had I done so it's possible what error happened might have been logged. I'll do that next time and save the error message or messages that return so maybe someone can get a little further with this. Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940) .