Re: Help ask Microsoft to make elequence open source.

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Agreed on not being able to sign in a lower graphics environment, a problem for many. Someone on a different list shared that Microsoft bought nuance which is why they are being targeted i understand.

On Mon, 31 May 2021, Shawn Kirkpatrick wrote:

I think open sourcing Eloquence is something that should have been done a long time ago. Unfortunately I think this petition misses the target. Last I heard ETI-Eloquence is owned by Nuance so they might be the company to petition. This thing has changed hands so often though so maybe this is no longer the case? The site also doesn't seem to let you sign the petition with lynx, a real problem for some people.
On Mon, 17 May 2021, Karen Lewellen wrote:

 Hi folks,
 There is a petition at with the aim of asking Microsoft to make
 eloquence tts engine open source.

 Not the best in a lower graphics environment, but the positive benefits
 both for some finding default Linux speech a problem, and expanding Linux
 devices with quality tts  might be quite expansive.
 Please share if motivated,

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