I had to do an upgrade, due to some dependancies when building software.
I am running Ubuntu and has now moved up to 16.04.
At first, the thing did not want to boot, but I seem tomhave solved that.
It now boots to a graphical login screen, I think, as I hear the Ubuntu
drums playing.
When I jump to any console from 1 to 6, I get a blank screen. Speakup is
speeking though.
I am writing this email after having ssh-ed in from another machine with
There are some startup message on tty1, but no login prompt.
I could sign on as root over ssh and can see no gettys running.
I tried to start one by hand, which got me a login prompt, but as soon as
I type a letter, the thing asks for a password.
Any idees?
TIA, Willem
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