Hi there
I am based here in South Africa, and, my primary use of speakUp, and,
linux systems at the moment is to do with raspberry pi mini-computers,
running under the raspbian version of linux.
My sort of question might be totally unrelated, but, thought would ask.
I have set up a sort of menu system that launches after the pi boots up,
making use of python, but, this isn't really the issue.
I am trying to use either arecord, or the rec command from sox to record
audio input from a microphone plugged into the unit, via an external USb
audio adapter since the raspberry pi doesn't have it's own form of audio
input, and, while the normal audio, speakUp's output is working fine
through the built-in 3.5mm analog audio output socket, when I try
implement recording using either of the above packages, both of which I
think are based on the alsa package, I get an error message, which I
think is related to a form of audio buffering, or something, and, while
this command works fine in another test environment - vinux running in a
VMWare virtual instance here on my windows 10 PC, on both the raspberry
pi 2 and the raspberry pi 3, I get the following error message:
Main:722: audio open error: No such file or directory
Now, ther reason am asking this here is since am just wondering if it's
not maybe due to the version of speakUp running here - think was tweaked
by Mike, who's connected to raxpberryvi.org - now doing something like
hogging all audio channels, for whatever reason, although wouldn't
expect it to have much to do with audio input channels?
Unfortunately don't have an actual full PC running any version of
speakUp, but, for example, the recording commands I am trying to make
use of work fine under a VMWare version of vinux, but, there having orca
running, and, not speakUp.
Now, sorry if this is somewhat off-topic...<smile>
Stay well
Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Resistance is futile, but, acceptance is versatile..."
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