Well, the login info is on there alright but it's pretty well hidden.
Once I was able to log in as root, I was able to get speakup working
with software speech. No luck with my Tripletalk hardware synth though.
We had a thread about serial port hardware synths just a few months ago.
IIRC, you had to put something in grub. I never got that to work and it
doesn't apply here anyway. But I see there is a /dev/ttyS0 and I believe
the most recent speakup patches require you to keep the kernel from
creating a /dev/ttyS0 before they can load a speakup hardware synt
driver module.
On 06/07/2016 03:09 PM, Gregory Nowak wrote:
On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 02:17:12PM -0500, John G Heim wrote:
What is the login id & password? I was able to guess it, I think. I
used devuan/devuan. But then I couldn't sudo. So then I couldn't
test speakup. Is there some other login that has sudo rights?
Logging in as root/toor will give you root access. This is mentioned
on the page where you can download the images from.
John G. Heim; jheim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; sip://jheim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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