Re: Desiging a case (was: Access Technology)

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If you have a little money you can do the following:
Get the following:

create a case using clay and scan it. Have a sighted person look over the
result and make sure it is what you want, print it, then you can get the
pie and some buttons, then you can create your own notetaker!
(It would be a prototype but I think it would work).

Brandon Keith Biggs <>

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 6:26 AM, John G Heim <jheim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm changing the subject of this thread...
> Is there a standard for the size and shape of small motherboards? When I
> got my pi, it wasn't even standard for different versions of the pi. When
> you ordered a case, you had to know which revision of the raspberry pi you
> had.
> What we need is to get one of the dozens of people trying to design the
> next break-through braille display to give up on that and design us a case
> that can be printed on a 3D printer. Seriously, how often do you hear about
> another group of well-meaning grad students working on yet another cheap
> braille display that never materializes?
> I am imagining a set of instructions that would include how to order the
> various parts like battery, keyboard, etc, a 3D printer file for the case,
> and instructions for installing linux and getting speakup working on a pi.
> Bingo! A notetaker any blind person can build themselves.
> On 05/26/2016 02:36 AM, Janina Sajka wrote:
>> Glenn writes:
>>> If the keyboard wasn't an integral part of the motherboard, I'd consider
>>> pulling the MB and putting in my Raspberry PI.
>> This is a pretty sound idea, imo. If we had a box with speakers, braille
>> keyboard, basic other IO like RJ45, audio, etc., but could simply swap
>> in mb from time to time to pick up on enhanced cpu, ram, etc., wouldn't
>> that be pretty future proof?
>> Janina
>> Glenn
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Kirk Reiser" <kirk@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> To: "Speakup is a screen review system for Linux."
>>> <speakup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 8:08 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Linux on access technology
>>> Just as a point of interest, my wife uses her braillite-40
>>> everyday. We replaced the batteries and charging circuit with more
>>> modern ones about ten years ago. She really likes it and is always
>>> worrying about what she'll do when we can't repair hers any
>>> longer. It's editor is clunky but beats the shit out of the editor in
>>> devices like the Alva units.
>>> On Tue, 24 May 2016, Tom Fowle wrote:
>>> I worked on a project to try to develop a TTY modem for the Braille Lite,
>>>> Dean was extremely tight about giving me any info about how the lite was
>>>> done.  I believe they used a Hitachi HD64180 microprocessor which was a
>>>> Z80
>>>> offshoot. Pretty sure they had no more than about 2 megs of ram and
>>>> probably
>>>> 64K of eprom Don't know about the clockspeed but bet it was pretty
>>>> kreeky.
>>>> I don't believe it was ever field upgradable, Dean said something to me
>>>> about using Ymodem to upload programs and having nothing but trouble
>>>> with
>>>> it.
>>>> Considering the instability of the hardware I think it'd be a bucket of
>>>> squashed worms.
>>>> Tom fowle
>>>> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 08:48:08PM -0500, Glenn wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am wondering if anyone is working on a light-weight version of Linux
>>>>> to
>>>>> work on some of the legacy technology.
>>>>> I am thinking of devices such as a Braille Light 40 and the like.
>>>>> I don't know how much RAM these devices typically used, or if they can
>>>>> be
>>>>> upgraded, the last time I had one open for some battery work, it seemed
>>>>> that all the components are soldered down.
>>>>> I imagine that it would take a .BIN file to prompt it to load Linux.
>>>>> My thoughts are that it could give a bit more usefulness to these old
>>>>> devices.
>>>>> I think otherwise, it's just a clunky Braille display.
>>>>> Thanks for thoughts.
>>>>> Glenn
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>>> Well that's it then, colour me secure!
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>>> =nrPH
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> --
> --
> John G. Heim; jheim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; sip://jheim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> Speakup mailing list
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