Are you sure about this? Having just checked a backup of /etc I made with
the commands I gave:
cd /
tar cf etc.tar etc
I see that it seems to recurse into all of my subdirectories, such as
/etc/dpkg.d and /etc/muttrc.d. What am I missing here? Also, the file
permissions are correct. Do you mean the ACLs? If so, would they be
important to preserve on a single user system? Does tar not preserve ACLs
automatically? I know it has the ability to, but I don't use ACLs on the
servers I administrate since I'm the only user.
On 11/5/2015 8:12 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
tar -cprf etc.tar.gz /etc may work a little better. The -r switch says
recursive backup which gets everything under the /etc directory and the -p
switch preserves all of those attributes.
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