I'm not sure what did it, but I did everything and then realized my
volume was not up (I can't turn it up in the console). I turned it up
and everything works great.
The desktop is not accessible at all though. I may need to reinstall it
with gnome rather than the default debian tools if I wish to use it.
Brandon Keith Biggs <http://www.brandonkeithbiggs.com/>
On 6/24/2015 10:52 AM, Tony Baechler wrote:
Are you having problems with Speakup in Vinux? Does Ctrl-Alt-F1 get you to
a command line in Vinux with speech? I was assuming you installed Debian on
real hardware, so maybe the VM is the problem. I know this is obvious, but
what sound card does your VM emulate? What VM software are you using? It's
weird that you would only hear random words. The low volume issue can be
resolved easily enough, but I'm wondering if you're having some other sound
problem. Try this from a terminal:
amixer set Master playback 100
Notice the upper case M in Master.
On 6/24/2015 12:41 AM, Brandon Keith Biggs wrote:
I am running both Vinux and debian, so I'm flipping between the two.
Brandon Keith Biggs <http://www.brandonkeithbiggs.com/>
On 6/24/2015 9:34 AM, Tony Baechler wrote:
He just installed Debian and has no clue what the heck you're talking about.
Please at least try to be gentle with him since he probably doesn't even
know how to install packages yet. Does Debian even have the learn package?
I've never seen it.
On 6/23/2015 8:41 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
ex file.sh <enter.
If the file is empty type $a at the colon prompt followed by enter. Then do
your typing. To end append put a period character at the colon prompt
followed by enter. That's the ex editor and is pretty easy to learn. If
your isp has bad installed you could try running the learn utility on that
provider. There are prerequisite lessons to go through these are computer
assisted instruction and no inaccessible html since that utility was written
before html was written. If the utility is not installed and your provider
runs bsd, you might ask them to install the learn utility. The learn
utility has a very good set of lessons to get you going with ex.
On Tue, 23 Jun 2015, Brandon Keith Biggs wrote:
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2015 16:52:26
From: Brandon Keith Biggs <brandonkeithbiggs@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: Speakup is a screen review system for Linux.
To: speakup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Using Nano?
Is there a way to root the editing cursor to the review cursor when one is
in Nano?
Is there also a way to open up a text editor while one is on the
How does one normally edit scripts?
thank you,
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