By way of follow up, I used the same disk and almost brought up the amd linux box with grml. The problem was, after typing swspeak <cr> after the system had finished booting I heard the message speechdup.d is not available sorry. Okay, so the disk integrity isn't there and that was a wget download too. The speechdup.d package would have been on a disk that had integrity. So now I'm into a problem in Linux that cuts across distros. The problem is bad disk images get downloaded and once downloaded tools like wget will not correct their mistakes. The bittorrent route is no better either and not all distros are available using rsync. So what to do? Perhaps I can write a script that takes the list of file names from the output of the md5sum and perhaps gpg commands so as to find which files are bad and loops through all of that output and goes and does an automated transfer preferably through tunneling and with something like sftp puts the files where they need be when the image is mounted. Then the "repaired" image can be checked again for integrity and the process repeated until the disk comes up clean and complete. Jude <jdashiel at> "I love the Pope, I love seeing him in his Pope-Mobile, his three feet of bullet proof plexi-glass. That's faith in action folks! You know he's got God on his side." ~ Bill Hicks