Jeremy, Unfortunately I have no idea why it would do that. Have you ever actually heard the US voice? I mean, do you know for sure what you're hearing isn't the US one? I don't mean any offense by that, it's just that I've heard people say the US voice sounds horible and has a weird accent, even though I've never noticed that myself. I personally use it all the time. I do know that the default voice has an accent. Is it possible you're not getting the US voice? I suggest you try this. 1. Stop the espeakup service, how ever you do that in debian. 2. Run espeakup manually like this: espeakup --default-voice=en-us See if that gives you the US voice or the one you don't want. If it does, then the problem is with the startup scripts, not with anything involving espeak or espeakup. -- "All models are wrong, but some are useful." George E. P. Box Joseph C. Lininger, <jbahm at>