On 02/21/2011 07:30 PM, Christopher Brannon wrote: > Christopher Moore<chris.w1gm at gmail.com> writes: > >> I'm trying to setup speech-dispatcher with spd-conf as a normal user. >> When I run the diagnostic tests, espeak, alsa and pulse respond. >> When I save the settings and try an spd-say, I get the message >> from the dummy voice. The log says it can't load the output module, > Hello, > I assume you're still using ArchLinux. Turns out that the > speech-dispatcher package in [extra] is broken. Well, not completely. > The problem is that it doesn't depend on pulseaudio, even though the > default configuration sets the audio output method to pulse. > A quick fix is to edit > ~/.speech-dispatcher/conf/speechd.conf. > Find the line containing AudioOutputMethod, and change pulse to alsa. > I'll file a bug on the ArchLinux bug tracker later. > > -- Chris > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at braille.uwo.ca > http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup As a new convert to Arch, I can also add that speech-dispatcher will only work properly if you are in the group "audio." I wasn't a member of audio in Ubuntu, and Sox works in Arch without the audio group, but user mode speech-dispatcher does not. ~Kyle