That's pretty creative. I'd always assumed that voiceover would work well in the terminal wen I decided to get a mac but was pleasantly disappointed. Using linux in a virtual machine is something I'd never have thought of. Pretty neat. On 8/22/2011 12:33 PM, Cheryl Ann Homiak wrote: > > Hi all. > > Since brltty is working well for me on this vmware fusion installation > (it didn't a couple of years ago) I realized that I could ssh into my > Mac with braille in the terminal which could eliminate the need to use > the Mac terminal with brltty or voiceover; in fact, I don't actually > even have to open terminal on the Mac. This led me to start thinking > about a voiceoveron podbean podcast recently lamenting the limited > usability of the Mac terminal with voiceover as compared to speakup on > linux. Suddenly I realized the solution to that problem really is > relatively simple. Of course you can ssh into a Mac using speakup for > speech but what if you don't have both a linux machine and a Mac or > what if you don't want to have to be running both machines all the > time? You can set up a virtual machine on the mac (I used Arch), ssh > into the mac, and do anything in the Mac terminal that you want to do > with full use of speakup. I just did this as a trial to update my > subversion install of brltty on my Mac. I'm using a full usb Apple > keyboard that has a numeric keypad. Voiceover of course didn't talk > during the svn procedure at all, at least not related to that > activity. I was able to stop speech with the option key and use the > numeric keypad to check the output. In short, it worked just as if I > had somehow managed to install speakup on my mac for use in Terminal! > Of course, if you have a vmware installation, you may not use Terminal > on the Mac as much anyway but there still may be programs you want to > compile or tasks you want to run on the Mac using terminal, plus you > can have a vmware installation of linux plus the use of Macports > and/or Fink along with the tools already present in the Mac's terminal > by default and manage all of these with speakup and/or brltty. I > should mention that if you are using a laptop keyboard or other > keyboard without a numeric keypad, this may present challenges but it > works perfectly with a full keyboard. Probably other people are > already doing this but this benefit had never really occurred to me > until now. Also, I was having trouble with using speakup because my > vmware machine's volume was much lower than my voiceover volume and I > didn't want to turn down voiceover; I had heard there was a volume > problem with vmware fusion but just to check I ran alsamixer and was > able to raise the volume to a very good level without affecting the > voiceover volume. so now I guess you could say I have speakup on the Mac! > > > >