Hi all. I just used the x86 version of the new talking arch iso to install linux on my mid-2007 model mac mini in vmware fusion 3.1. I have both braille and speakup running. I really liked Arch when I tried it on a couple of laptops but was worried about not getting the fan control right as the temperatures were going up on them so I reinstalled debian on those and hadn't gotten around to sorting out that issue. I figured this wouldn't be problem within vmware fusion since it's a virtual machine and the system shouldn't be running the fan. Of course vmware didn't recognize the cd but I pressed "continue" anyway and then "save" after the steps of creating a new virtual machine. The iso loaded and I hit enter and came to the prompt with speech. From there, I followed all the steps just as if I was going to do an actual install on a computer instead of as a vm. I did get one error about locale-gen not running but I went ahead figuring I could fix that after installation if it was a problem but everything appears to be fine. So now, on my mac mini, I have access to Mac OS X Lion, Windows XP and arch linux through vmware fusion, plus Macports and fink (though fink hasn't gained back all of its packages after the changes caused by Lion). Not only that: when I back up my Mac system with superduper, it gives me a fully-bootable system, including fully duplicated and working virtual machines. At any rate, I just wanted people to know that you can use the arch linux iso for vmware fusion. I had done this a few years ago with debian and vmware 1.1 but I had problems with braille using my usbserial cable at the time. I'm not having problems so far this time around. -- Cheryl May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14, HCSB)