On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 01:06:13PM -0700, Hart Larry wrote: > Advantages are that when I need to, I can cut-and-paste more text in > the speakup buffer. Ah... I don't do that much cutting and pasting on a grand scale. For that I sometimes "cat file >> otherfile", using the shell's append ability, or vi's multiple window/buffering capabilities. I wish Linux had a decent clone of WordStar Professional. vi is pretty powerful, but not very touch-typist friendly. I'm waiting for them to link Orca with SpeakUP's cut-n-paste buffer. I'm always looking up things in edbrowse and needing to copy URLs to the GUI, thanks to the clueless. sighted, I-need-a-Fisher-Price - mentality-level-computer-interface-with-pretty-pictures crowd. Michael