HI. Well, now I've made a very very big misstake. I decided to try out debian squeze, but that wasn't good. no speakup modules to install, and the speakup source wasn't good. Didn't like the distro att all. So I reinstalled lenny. But now the problem. When I shall load a speakup module for example the softsynth module, the hole system hangs. That's because of the 2.6.26-2 kernel it installs. And I can't install the previous kernel I used because that doesn't help. I've tried to recompile the hole kernel, but can't start that kernel. I've tried everything. Please help me. /Kristoffer Kristoffer Gustafsson Trelleborgsv?gen 1b 514 33 Tranemo tel: 0325-42093 mobil: 073-8226473 e-post: kg84 at dreamwld.com Eller kristoffer_gustafsson at allmail.net