Hi: Zachary Kline wrote: > Espeakup is a pure userspace program, and should run on whatever kernel you have. Speakup might be a different story but you appear to already have > it. I don't have Speakup installed. That's the problem. But it's not possible to install Speakup on Debian "lenny" since it's not part of "lenny". I either need to upgrade to "testing" or build speakup from source. As I said I'm going to use this box as a file server and don't want to use testing. Building from source scares me. I'm not sure the latest Speakup will run on kernel 2.6.26 anyway. I'm currently accessing the server via ssh. I'll need to just cross my fingers that I never need to use the consoles... If something goes really wrong I'll have to call in sighted assistance to troubleshoot since the console is currently inaccessible.