Dear Friends: Just a quick update to our earlier announcement about the new SpeakupModified Fedora 9 ... The Fedora release is now official, and our iso images and rpm packages now also incorporate the very latest from the official Fedora release. So, we're no longer a late beta release, and you'll see the digit '9' in our filenames, rather than the beta designation Fedora uses, 'rawhide.' The SpeakupModified Home Page is at: http://SpeakupModified.Org You can also access our files using ftp or rsync with commands like: ftp://ftp.SpeakupModified.Org/speakupmodified/fedora/ rsync -l VERY IMPORTANT: The command syntax for starting speech during installation and in your grub.conf has changed. You should now use a '.' rather than an '_' for instance: speakup.synth=ltlk Also, the name for the software speech Speakup device has changed. To start that device in grub, but not start speech until after your login do: speakup.synth=soft speakup.quiet=1 -- Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.202.595.7777; sip:janina at Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC http://CapitalAccessibility.Com Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada Learn more at http://ScreenlessPhone.Com Chair, Open Accessibility janina at Linux Foundation