Hi, I appear to have found a bug, or at least an incompatibility, in Slackware, specifically its version of losetup and related tools, which is causing me a great deal of problems. The voxin-installer.sh cannot mount the encrypted filesystem because Ubuntu and Debian have, apparently, different ways of dealing with the password. By default it seems that Ubuntu and Debian hash the password, and Slackware's version of losetup doesn't know about this--is it an earlier version? Anyhow, when I try mounting on it, I get an error about unknown filesystem type: naturally, since the password I'm given which is entirely correct is being given raw to the encryption engine, unhashed. I'm not quite sure what to do about this. According to http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-security-4/encrypted-filesystem-wont-mount-because-of-different-version-of-losetup-616885/ there is a -n option to the Ubuntu/Debian version of Losetup which will bypass the hash. I don't have that version, however, and I don't have any version of Ubuntu or Debian handy at the moment. Mildly annoying. Any advice from anybody here as far as that goes? I'd really appreciate it. Gils? Thanks much, Zack.