I forgot to mention the more simple and more effective. I used to run more than several machines at once, and left them on the net all the time, with lax security because I was unaware of vulnerability. I thought it was cool to have all this connectivity, and all the granduer of linux and other nix with all their free network software. Now I do this, when I go to sleep or am not actually on my computer I press the button on my cable modem that shuts off the network. No network means nothing to scan and find. If I walk out the door I now actually shutdown my computer. I have bios password. I have bios set to not boot from anything but the hard drive. I have restricted parm in lilo, which means you cannot enter boot parms. Perhaps I am paranoid but after being hacked one becomes jittery. I used to proudly proclaim that I never get viruses and such because I was smart, then I was humbled. -- Doug