Jude DaShiell wrote: > Those aliases need to be put in your .bash_profile file. That's the file > that sets things up on interactive logins. The .bashrc file is for > non-interactive logins. If you want to disable scp and sftp access for > shell users of your machine all you need do is put a command in each > account's . Thanks. Still getting used to BSD's way of doing things. I used group access for specific task types I want restricted, like access to the mailx command, which makes a wondermous spammers tool. Also changed the names of commands like attrib and used it to lock down programs, keeping root kits guessing and less effective. What I really would've liked to do is set up the security protocols to require that executables also have attrib's indestructible bit set in order to run, and then re-write attrib so that it could only be run from the local keyboard. It could be used to set up a virus/worm proof system if they can't upload and run anything without root permission. Just don't break attrib or you'll have to reset the security protocols. from a bootup disk. Michael