na Bahram wrote: > Halting progress just because certain individuals which to keep > using a console doesn't seem very practicle. I'm not just a console user. Nor do I mind my display being fiddled with to any degree, as long as it's no more than my display. Ever take a look at Google Analytics? It's incredible just how much data they can get out of a web page. The only problem is all that data can !only! be used to exploit their customers by prying open their wallets and getting at whatever's inside. I can do without all the grifting. HTML alone should be enough to get our money. They certainly don't need to take control of my computer to spam the bejesus out of me. I know what I'm looking for to buy. I don't like having things shoved in my face. It's rude and just plain wrong, and if they want to do business that way, I'd rather be on the side of caution and shop anywhere else. Michael