Hello All, Unfortunately, my guest speaker for the TekTalk presentation on Linux, and the options available for speech output, and a few examples of how it works, cannot do the program due to new job opportunities. So I am now looking for another volunteer for the presentation. This will need to be done on September 23rd, at 7 o'clock PM Central, 8 Eastern, 6 Mountain, and 5 o'clock Pacific time. You may do it all live, or you may record part of your presentation ahead of time, and pipe it in. You will need a microphone for the talk, and be prepared for questions afterwards. Here is my original post on this, and if you are interested in doing the show, and promoting Linux, please step forward. Here's my e-mail, and original post: gErvin at cableone.net Thanks Hello All, I am on a committee with a forum called: TekTalk http://www.accessibleworld.org/ We try to put on many aspects of technology, and we feel that we should not leave out Linux. I am looking for someone from this list of many highly proficient users of Linux, someone who is familiar with the various Linux-based screen-readers, including Speakup. We will want someone to talk for at least an hour, and be prepared to demonstrate how Linux works, without getting into a tutorial, as I think that would be beyond the scope of what we can accomplish in an hour, to an hour and a half. The people listening in will mostly know little to nothing of Linux. It will be your job to help them understand the benefits, and an over-view of how it works, and how it may not that difficult, as many fear. You may pre-record your presentation, and be prepared to finish up the 2 hour period with addressing questions from the audience. You will need a microphone, and ironically, you may need a Windows machine to access the sight. You may log into the rooms and an applet called: TC.EXE will need to be installed. I would like different "flavors" of Linux explained, and what screen-reading options are available. We are hoping for a presentation on this on October 23rd, or the 30th. I have done several presentations, and I have done both the live, and pre-recorded. Personally, I prefer the Live, but in a 2 hour period, your throat can get pretty tired, so the pre-recorded method has its advantages. With the pre-recorded version, you will need to submit your MP3 program ahead of time, but be prepared to be the one to patch it through to the program, and switch over to a microphone afterwards. Any Takers? If so, you may contact me at: gErvin at cableone.net Thanks