just a warning, do not expect too much from orca even at this stage of it's developement while I like to use it, there's still alot of areas where things could be improved. having said that, this is a community whereby one can write the code for any changes one feels are appropriate. I'm a gunna for the time being as I'm just doing far too much nothing to want to get off my behind and write some code, however, nothing is stopping you from learning python and having a ball with it. the thing I do like about orca however is the fact it seemlessly intergrates with the gnome desktop. no systtray icons, no app windows in the way. I would like to see however, hardware synth support in the gnome speech driver. perhaps the desktop on a whole would be a little more responsive. even on a 1 ghz celeron I find gnome and orca to be annoyingly slow. don't let that deter you though, do have fun.