The short answer is no! I had some sighted assistance with it and still didn't get a working installation. The partitions on the hard drive were hda1 hda2 hda5 and swap respectively. No /boot partition so when system rebooted after install I got grub error 18 and that was all she wrote. I cleaned the disk with a speakup enabled slackware disk. One of the things that happens with a ubuntu boot up after you hit f5 then down arrow three times and hit enter twice on the boot screen is another window comes up showing you selected preferences and I never did figure out how to land on the quit selection to close that window and move on. That second window of course was not described in the starting guide I only learned about it since a friend came over and tried to help with the install. I used the 6.06 live cd which is the latest release to try all of this. A beep at the star and end of the boot screen appearance would be a little helpful; but ubuntu is intended for sighted installers to use to install on blind people's computers and in that respect it very much differs from speakup. I may try all of this again after some additional research but not without sighted assistance.