Here is a small tip forr speeding up espeak. I've ben working for the past cupple hours on this, so I hope it helps someone. If you change your synth execute string to this: "a=\"$DATA\";\ text=$(tr -d '\\n' <<<$a);\ test -n \"$text\" && (\ echo -n \"$text\" | \ sed '/^$/d' |\ speak -v $VOICE -s $RATE -a 150 -p $PITCH --stdin)" responsiveness should be up. alot, especially when you're typing capital letters. Here is the reason. Speech dispatcher sometimes sends just a newline by itself to espeak. This causes espeak to pause for about a second. This script removes newlines, and also checks to see if the string is empty before speaking it. If there is a better way to do this, let me know, because I want to keep improving my knowledge.