Hey all fellow listers, how's it going? It's been a while since I've been on here, but have a question about installing Fedora. I looked at the download page and see that there is install media for Fedora core 3, but 6 is the most recent. Is there a speakup modified install package for the most recent version, or can I install 3 and update later to current? Also, is speech dispatcher or speechd-up installed by default? I now have a Braille Note PK, so should be able to get speakup talking me through the install with that, right? I do miss my doubletalk, but since I don't have any ISA slots, I'm kind of stuck. Is there a good howto on getting software speech working? That way I can get that running once I'm installed and have a working linux box. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, and I hope to join the linux world again soon. Guy