Version 1.11 of eSpeak is now available at: This includes: 1. Speaking files with XML type markup: HTML and SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language), using the -m command line option. Some SSML tags (such as <voice>, <prosody rate volume pitch>) are interpreted. HTML tags are ignored, except that some ensure an appropriate pause. Further work remains. 2. Various bug fixes and minor improvements to the speech. 3. Additional languages. Afrikaans has been implemented with the help of a member of this mailing list, Willem van der Walt. Other languages need work or advice from native speakers in order to improve them (German, Spanish, Italian, Polish). 4. The binary has been compiled for use with V18 of the portaudio library. You can now easily compile for V19 of portaudio without the need for source code edits by firstly renaming the file portaudio19.h to replace the original portaudio.h file.