Hi, I have the kernel version with speakup installed from the speakup fedora page. What I want to know is I have the exclude line in yum.conf so kernels don't get updated automatically, What I want to know is How can I tell when a new kernel has been released for fedora core 3 if that exclude line is in it and can you remove the older fedora core 3 kernels and just have the latest version on the page? That is what most if not all people want anyway and if they really want to keep a backup of kernel rpms they could just backup them to cd or harddrive for safe keeping. When new fedora core 3 kernels are out about how long does it take for the speakup ones to be produced? What is the easiest way to get the kernel sources once they are installed from the src.rpm file to /usr/src/linux so it will be like a normal system and so libraries and other simmilar compilings can find it there? bye My web page is at http://www.nickgawronski.com