Hello all! When trying a fresh install of the speakup fc3 disks of build 2.6.9, I see the following situation when trying to make the initrd: following these instructions 2. Change to the directory that contains your new installation by typing: cd /mnt/sysimage and pressing --ENTER-- 3. Now, restrict your view to your installation by typing the following command. Notice that your prompt changes when you do this. chroot . Be sure to type the period just as indicated--it's part of the chroot command, and remember to end your command by pressing --ENTER--. 4. Next, change directory one more time by typing: cd /lib/modules 5. Now, make a new initrd with Speakup by issuing the following command. Where this command has {TAB} you should press the TAB key. Don't actually type {TAB}! And, where we have {synth.keyword}, replace this text with the correct sSpeakup word for your speech synthesizer. As always, end your command with the --ENTER-- key. /sbin/mkinitrd -v -f /boot/initrd-{tab} --with=pcspkr --with=speakup_{synth.keyword} {TAB} and then press the BackSpace key to remove the slash character from the end of your command. error as follows: looking for deps of module pcspkr looking for deps of module speakup_synth=dectlk no module found for speakup_synth=dectlk for kernel 2.6.9-1.681_FC3spk1, aborting Again, this install includes all four disks, as in cd media and I hit the space bar on all which put the * char infront of the choice. Any help is appreciated. Eric