Hello, I need some help getting Debian sarge installed. I believed that debian now has speakup included in the main distro, but when I tried starting it with the speakup_synth parameter, it never spoke. So I tried the boot floppies from the speakup website, which worked, except my computer stopped responding to the keyboard when I loaded the first disk, but everything else was ready for the next disk. I tried doing things like disable usb support, but no success. So I tried the CD image from the speakup website, but I could not get speakup talking with that. Can anyone help with this? If not then I will look at other distributions, but the others seem to have their own problems, gentoo software speech doesn't seem to work well and slackware requires most programs which will be used to be manually built from source. I don't intend to use fedora, there seems to be too many problems when it is updated because speakup is not in the standard distribution. From Mike "An optimist is someone who has never had much experience"