hello all i have ben subscribed to the list here from around summer/fall 2004 and thaut it was about time i sent a message to you all first of all i realy love speakup and how well it works it is almost like asap under dos i realy love it i was just wondering if any one was going ever to make a port of the chatterbox software for linux i know that we have speakfreely but having chatterbox would meen that we could chat on www.for-the-people.com and other sites that use the software also i was wondering i have a litetalk but it had a bug in it so i had to get a new synth and sence i did not know any thing about the new dectalk usb and trippletalk usb i ended up getting a double talk lt instead i realy liked my litetalk and was wondering if lary from aph who made asap asaw and the litetalk would still do a repare on it the reason i am asking this on this list is i tryed mailing him at his aph address and he never got back to me it has ben almost a munth and a half maybe longer sence i sent it i know he is on this list because he posts to it sometimes if you are out there get back to me please