The area in St. Mary's county has been experiencing two huge problems both of which effect all users of verizon dsl abuse no matter what operating system is on their computers. First the service is as flakey as it ever was from when verizon installed all of it, there has been no improvement whatsoever in that performance. Second, verizon refuses to admit anything, they're taking a page right out of Microsoft's play book for when Microsoft regularly gets caught having infringed on other people's patents. Since this bad behavior pattern of verizon's will not change I'll be for the time being using normal phone lines for older modem communication and when I can afford it get the cable service restored and perhaps if the cable company at that time has phone over cable up I might decide to make verizon take a zero balance on this account into the future. They're getting their dsl modem returned. Earlier today I had talked with another local subscriber to their service and that's how I know it's not just me that's having these problems.