I've posted about this before, but didn't get what I was looking for, I'll try to explain it... When I played with a debian install, I found out by accident, that when my network cable came unplugged, some output presumably from dmesg got printed to the console, and speakup informed me of the unplugged cable, which, when I plugged it back in, caused output to the console informing me that the link was up and at full duplex as if I'd been looking at that piece of info from dmesg. I'd love to know how that happens, and how I can get that kind of behavior in slackware. any help please... I read the man page on dmesg, and may have understood that the level of verbosity can be controlled, but don't know how exactly to do it. Thanks much. Cheereo! -- Email services by FreedomBox. Surf the Net at the sound of your voice. www.freedombox.info