I don't know if that's a proper subject line but here's the problem. On my Debian Sarge system running a speakup-enabled custom kernel, my system locksup if I have one virtual console logged into a remote session with our sun server at work. The problem happens using emacs or lynx on that system. I can perform tasks on the remote system for a while then speakup and/or the remote system stops responding to my commands. Doing a ps -e from the other console, reveals the ssh process is still there however the only way I can fix the problem is to kill the process id and completely restart the remote session. This problem does not happen on another system I have which uses brltty, and a 2.4 kernel. Is there something I should look for in my 2.6 configuration? I suspect this is partly a terminal emulation problem, but I don't know if there's some package I'd need to install on my local system to fix this. The speakup version is 2.0 let me know if you need more info. Sean