Janina writes: [JS]: ... The reason to prefer ftp over http is that you can resume from the point where you left off when you use a smart ftp client like ncftp. [JM]: Okay; that clarifies things. [JS]: So, what she's saying is she doesn't want to start over again at the beginning every time her download breaks. This is correct and it's discussed in our installation HOWTO. [JM]: Which is located where, again? With specific respect to accomplishing a linux installation, this is actually a moot point for me now since, as you know, while I readily confess to not knowing what the hell I'm doing yet in the linux environment, I / we did install linux on my machine here in northern virginia. Nevertheless, I never did find your "howtos", and I dare say there's lots of good information there I'd like to read for my own linux edification. [JS]: Starting over is the last thing you want to do on a dialup connection especially.[JM]: I heard that. John McCann