Okay, here is what happened: The 0.5 versions of speech-dispatcher failed on my system to create the directory "speechd-modules" under my /usr/local/bin installation directory. I see that version 0.4.1 created that directory okay, and in it are symbolic links to the necessary executables, so it's no wonder the 0.5 versions could not work. It is like that if one upgrades from 0.4.1 to the 0.5 versions, the failure would never be noticed, since the necessary directory and soft links will have already been created by the earlier version, giving 0.5 a leg up on the problem. I think that's an equestrian reference rated G. Another day, another bug. Not bad. Chuck -- The Moon is Waning Crescent (1% of Full) Home page at http://www.mhcable.com/~chuckh Speakfreely address