Kenneth Lee writes: > Janina said these new repos would be in two different files, but I only have > the yum.conf file. Do different flavors of linux configure yum differently? > I am using fc2. There was a change in the data format for yum a few versions back--about a month ago. You have the olderversion. If you upgrade yum, the upgrade process should do the conversion for you. I guess it makes it easier to edit. For example, if a particular repository goes down, you just rename the file and it doesn't get in the way. One of the downsides of yum is that a repo that's off line will keep the entire process from working. On the other hand, they've introduced a round robin process, so the basic fedora repos should always be available via some mirror somewhere. > > Next, one of the comments in my yum.conf file said that removing the > comments from the freshrpms might cause conflicts with and I may > need to comment out the if I use freshrpms. Should I do this? Oh, you really do have an old version of yum. Absolutely upgrade. >