Hello all, My friend has just downloaded and installed Fedora Core Three on his system. He isn't using Speakup; he has enough vision to read the console. However, I have a few problems. I administer the box remotely with him. We are having problems such as paths not being set (he has to do /usr/spin/adduser instead of just adduser), yum says something about how we set it to use GPG keys when we didn't!. Yum said to type rpm --import public.GPG.key and when I did this, I got an error. So, what's the problem? Is Core 3 royally screwed or is it us? another thing, a friend told me to type chkconfig vsftpd off to turn off VSFTPD, that returned command not found. I want to disable VSFTPD permanently. Thanks a lot. Robby