Hi folks. Believe it or not, Linux Kernel 2.6.6 is out. Hope that FC2 includes 2.6.6. IF not, the Speakup motified FC2 distribution should, unless you guys don't think so. Personally, the newer the Kernel ve3rsion, such as the newer the 2.6 kernel becomes, the more stable it probably becomes. By the way, gnome 2.6 has made it to Fedora, Mozilla 1.6 is in, as it's the most stable Mozilla right now, l y n x is back, opernoffice.org 1.1.1 is in, which hopefully supports Accessibility, tcl 8.4 is in, and more. Unfortunately, epic4 2.0 has not made it in. Thanks, Nick P.S. When 2.6 came out, I couldn't wait for Fedora to do it's thing. Hopefully, you'll be fast at making this work.