First, can you ftp and/or telnet to your machine, from your machine? That is, from a shell prompt on the machine in question, what happens when you type: ftp localhost If you get some kind of connection refused message there, you probably don't have in.ftpd, or in.telnetd; or some other FTP/Telnet server, installed. Get one, and you should be okay. If it works, you probably have a /etc/hosts.allow, and/or /etc/hosts.deny problem (man hostaccess). On Tue, 4 May 2004, cris wrote: > Hi folks, > I have a question which is probably elementary to most of you. I tried to > ftp and telnet to my linux computer from another computer in order to > transfer a large file, but I got connection refused. As far as I know I > disabled the firewall on my linux box to allow me to telnet or ftp. I typed > the line command as follows for ftp. ftpnumerical address and hit inter. I > did the same with telnet and also got connection refused. any ideas on how > to go about that > Regards, > Cris? > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at > > -- Foreign Aid: Taxing poor people in rich countries for the benefit of rich people in poor countries. - Bernard Rosenberg