On Sun, May 02, 2004 at 06:09:51AM -0400, Jacob Schmude wrote: > The dectalk's say program works fine when executed in an initscript by > itself. I put it at the exact same point as I've tried to start speech > dispatcher and it works. It doesn't communicate with a server, it > communicates with the dectalk libraries. For the record, I'm using > slackware, so this init problem isn't tied down to one distribution. I > have it executing in rc.local, which means that it executes right before > the login prompt. By then, all hardware is up, including sound. This is very strange. We should attempt to eliminate speechd-up from the possible places where this problem might appear. Please can you repeat this proces (so that dectalk wouldn't work with speechd-up) and try to run run_test basic.test in src/tests after you login? Under what user is speech-dispatcher executed on your system in the init script? Does this user have permissions to acces the say command? Regards, Hynek